Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Comment On Health Professionals Legal Obligations Dealing With Possible Killers

I don't get the drift of some of  what is called new legislation here in New York state dealing with a health professionals legal obligation to report on patients who are potential killers. My understanding is if you are practicing medicine properly that was always a given understanding. Whether or not I like the mental health care policies of Governor Cuomo and President Obama, I admit if a patient tells me they are planning to try to shoot Cuomo or Obama, I would feel professionally and ethically obligated to immediately turn that patient into law enforcement  officials, even though I fear the police and FBI are corrupt. However, it has sadly been my experience that even though psychiatrists are taught to do proper mental status exams as medical students, they never do. You are simply supposed to ask a patient if they are planning to kill anyone when doing a proper mental status exam. If the patient says yes and that they are not kidding, than clearly you may be dealing with some type of very serious mental health issue and you certainly have a serious legal issue at hand. However, if the person says no and goes out and kills someone anyway, than it is my position you may very well be dealing with premeditated murder in the first degree.  And of course all of this becomes a really sad and difficult legal issue for everyone involved if a person who kills people was on psychiatric drugs at the time, since these drugs really do set off suicidal and homicidal ideation and intent.  And since there are no biological markers for any of the diagnoses of the psychiatrists, such disorders as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder may not even exist, and it is questionable whether anyone should ever be put on their poisonous arsenal of drugs. -Dr Harold Mandel