Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Aside from pushing tyrannical quackery in mental health psychiatrists are lousy doctors who are a disgrace to the medical profession!

Psychiatrists are such lousy doctors that by the time they get done ruining the overall well being of their victims it's a miracle if they can survive another day. Aside from ruining the human brain and other vital body organs with their myriad of mythical diagnoses and destructive psychiatric interventions they promote illness throughout the entire body by not paying any attention to vital aspects of general health care such as your blood pressure, your weight, and your actual diet. These quacks rarely if ever even attempt to take accurate medical histories and to do good physical exams with proper medical testing to rule out infectious diseases and other serious medical illnesses. In fact they generally don't even pay attention to signs and symptoms of possible cancer in patients. Psychiatrists are such horrible doctors it's not unusual for them to diagnose someone with major depression, schizophrenia or bipolar disorder because they had a bad meal that made them feel sick, had a bad night's sleep because they were out late socializing, or simply because they have a terrible cold or flu like syndrome. The psychiatrists are simply a disgrace to the entire medical profession who place the lives of patients who otherwise had potential for healthy lives at risk 24/7 and yet the chronically abusive US federal government, states and courts endorse the legalization of psychiatry which is further used to completely undermine the well being of people. MandelNews.com