Monday, August 22, 2016

The American psychiatric paradigm generally represents police brutality in it's most horrible ways!

The psychiatric paradigm in the USA has been conveniently set up to help the police and federal agents get away with the most horrible forms of brutality imaginable. It is the pleasure of the trash American psychiatrists to help criminal cops and federal agents get away with this since they work with each other on a daily basis and help each other secure their lucrative jobs. The police and feds claim they had no choice aside to severely beat up unarmed peaceful targets of their brutality due to alleged misbehavior as the psychiatrists work with them to have the targets of this tyranny intentionally misdiagnosed with serious mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. In order to secure their positions further these cops and feds contact family members and significant other people in the lives of targeted people and strongly advise or even threaten them to throw the targets of this tyranny out in the streets with allegations they somehow became mentally ill and dangerous and this is the best way to eventually get them on drugs they supposedly need to maintain themselves. The targets of this cruelty are than railroaded into psychiatric emergency room centers or mental hospital concentration camps where they are brainwashed or forced to take the poisonous psychiatric drugs which have debilitating painful acute side effects and which will permanently cripple and kill them if they keep taking them long-term. This is all associated with intentional stigmatization and associated blacklists which leads to created and enforced deadly poverty in people who often could have otherwise been very wealthy.