Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The US government and American psychiatrists use extreme forms of torture to enforce psychiatric tyranny!

On a daily basis the US government and American psychiatrists expose themselves as tragically sadistic sociopaths who are fanatically committed to the use of extreme forms of torture to enforce their joint tyranny. Together they have a policy of never letting anyone off from being dealt with as if they are mentally ill once the process of psychiatric barbarism is set in motion against any man, woman or child. And so whether or not their victims have ever suffered from mental illness in the first place the goal of so-called psychiatric treatment is to enforce a sick state for the remainder of the person's life. Psychiatry never actually has a goal of reaching for mental wellness and productivity in life regardless of what pro-psychiatry propagandists in the US government and medical profession may say. The US federal agents, cops and psychiatrists are cruelly arrogant about their insistence that anyone who was brainwashed into seeing a psychiatrist or forced into seeing a psychiatrist by the kangaroo psychiatric courts never be dealt with as a normal person in society again regardless of how much they could have had to offer for themselves, their families, in the workforce, and for society if not for intervention by psychiatry. Extreme forms of torture consisting of 24/7 satellite drone electronic badgering and stalking, enforced stigmatization with the mythical psychiatric labels, railroading into the mental hospital concentration camps, police beatings and false arrests, and life threatening blacklists with created and enforced poverty are used over lifetimes to create locked in systems of tyranny for victims of psychiatry across the USA. This abuse is also enforced if the victims of psychiatry leave the country where the fanatically abusive US feds and cops have the US embassies and consulates worldwide insist the generally perfectly sane, intelligent and emotionally warm American victims of psychiatry be dealt with as mentally ill wherever they go in the world. MandelNews.com