Sunday, July 15, 2018

"Psychiatrists push human rights abuses along family lines!"

The classic medical model approach to diagnosis has been fueling mental health care human rights abuses by psychiatrists. The situation with brutal mental health care human rights abuses is not inherited by siblings, parents, and children in families but is instead painfully pushed upon them by the chronically arrogant, ignorant, and abusive psychiatrists. More and more people daily are being carelessly misdiagnosed with the trendy and lucrative diagnostic entities of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder by the unethical trash psychiatrists for large profits. There remain as usual no biological markers for these or any of the diagnoses of the psychiatrists therefore continuing to leave open to question whether or not these disease entities as described by psychiatrists actually exist. However, the psychiatrists, who classify every little problem of daily living as manifestations of such serious mental illnesses, such as being tired at school or work due to missing breakfast or even feeling down due to a common cold, jump on the opportunity to classify family members with the same catastrophic misdiagnoses. In the classic medical model approach to diagnosis as taught in medical schools the history of a family member is used to help focus in on diagnoses for other family members when the position is taken that certain disorders may run in families via genetic lines. Yet in psychiatry what is happening is that more and more often abusive misdiagnoses are being passed along from one generation to another in families due to this tragically flawed notion that the classic medical model approach to diagnosis is appropriate in the already seriously flawed and abusive discipline of psychiatry. The US federal government, cops, and courts consistently endorse the tyrannical quackery of the psychiatrists which generally leads to unnecessary serious legal, financial, academic, career, and personal problems for people who have seen psychiatrists. Certainly people do suffer from emotional problems such as depression and anxiety but clearly psychiatric intervention only makes these conditions and the ramifications of having suffered from them worse. Humane, natural mental health care interventions should therefore be encouraged for the prevention and treatment of mental health issues!.