Monday, July 2, 2018

"World stability is at risk due to the American psychiatric mental health system!"

The situation with the provision of what is called mental health care in the USA is pathetic with the psychiatrists who are tyrannical sadistic psychopaths, and who are working the terrorist US government, maintaining a hold on America’s mental health care system. Humane, insightful, ethical, intelligent, well educated and concerned doctors and others in society with these positive attributes are brutally crushed by the trash American psychiatrists and US government to get them out of the way. And so incorrigible criminals recognized as such by universal concepts of criminality are making a fortune and have a great deal of power as people who have something good to offer society are left humiliated, beaten down and struggling to survive on the fringes of existence due to created and enforced poverty. The activist targets of this tyranny and even their children are subjected to intense satellite drone electronic warfare directed into their brains, stigmatization and blacklists associated with being erroneously labeled as being chronically mentally ill by the tyrants in control of things. In an ever more interdependent and fragile world this has created a very dangerous situation for the international community which must cope with often dealing with irrational psychopaths from the USA instead of more reasonable people who could perhaps have helped to bring us all a step closer to world peace and prosperity instead of leading us down a dangerous path towards a possible total breakdown of the world order, international financial havoc and possibly World War lll and the nuclear annihilation of the entire planet as seems to have been happening!