Sunday, July 22, 2018

"The US government uses electronic warfare to manipulate brain waves & manufacture mental illness"

The US government is a terrorist entity which works with the likewise terrorist psychiatrists to sadistically steal the lives of innocent men, women and children in order to fuel the powerful "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture & Death!" A favored method of madness by the barbarians responsible for this tyranny has been to use satellite drone electronic warfare to manipulate the brain waves of the targets of this tyranny in order to manufacture unstable states of being which mimic mental illness and to set off dangerous behavior which otherwise would not have occurred. The poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs which are supposedly used to treat disordered mental states instead exacerbate unstable conditions. This has all completely dehumanized the condition of people as they are actually treated worse than abused lab rats being tortured and murdered by mad scientists. All along the criminally insane US feds, cops and psychiatrists insist anyone who reports on such repulsive abuses is psychotic and in need of the highly destructive psychiatric intervention!