Thursday, July 5, 2018

"Psychiatry fails to appreciate personal and social precursors of mental illness!"

In his book "The Myth of Mental Illness" Dr Thomas Szasz pointed out that a primary problem which we see with modern psychiatry is that it reduces mental illness to dysfunction of the body. He noted that psychiatric assessment far too often does not appreciate personal and social precursors of mental illness by avoiding or failing to take account of such psychosocial considerations. He wrote "Mainstream psychiatry acts on the somatic hypothesis of mental illness to the detriment of understanding people's problems.” Dr Szasz was absolutely right. Psychiatrists look upon their highly toxic pills as being a magic bullet for dealing with mental health issues which are very complex and instead need a careful approach to helping the patient deal with real psychosocial issues and lifestyle considerations dealing with such factors as nutrition, exercise and exposure to toxic agents such as drugs and alcohol.