Saturday, July 28, 2018

"The activities of the American psychiatric system are as ignorant as the Salem witch hunts were!"

The US government and American psychiatrists are extremely arrogant about their self-proclaimed rights to intrude into people's lives and ruin them on behalf of their self-righteous views on mental health care. In fact they put across the feeling that it's naive to think they are suppose to be helping the people their supposed mental health care interventions are directed towards. It is as if together the US government and psychiatrists feel a morale obligation to hunt for the witches in society and burn them at the stake as occurred during the Salem witch hunts in the 1600s. The swift, fixed kangaroo civil court proceedings used to legalize psychiatric tyranny in this era are as archaic and ignorant in their design as the Salem witch trials were. This course of painful and deadly sadistic action directed against innocent people is supposedly being done in the best interests of the general public!