Wednesday, September 5, 2018

"Psychiatrists & the US government painfully manipulate money to manufacture of mental illness"!

The diabolically insane American psychiatrists and consistently abusive US government manipulate money in very painful ways in the process of manufacturing mental illness. The careers of well educated, intelligent, creative, ethical and law abiding arbitrary targets of psychiatric cruelty are crushed for no good reasons at all with filthy lies about their characters used to justify this in order to create a social picture of mental illness along with financial hardship. Efforts are focused upon undermining the inherent value of the victims of this tyranny on the workforce due to the associated intentional stigmatization with trendy labels of mental illness such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder even when it becomes clear to other well educated people that such labels are totally inappropriate. Individuals and families who deserved to prosper and lead very healthy and pleasant lifestyles instead must often struggle to survive on the fringes of society because of such shenanigans while their unethical and actually criminal tormentors prosper and enjoy great respect in society!