Tuesday, September 18, 2018

"The US government has been torturing the brains of victims of psychiatry!"

The US government assists the psychiatrists in the creation of pained states of being which mimic mental illness by literally torturing the brains of mental health care human rights activists and other arbitrary targets of psychiatric tyranny with satellite drone electronic warfare. High intensity electromagnetic waves which evoke unsettled feelings, thoughts and images are projected into the brains of the victims of this tyranny. Often times the subjects of this brutality are also victimized by manipulation of their brain waves which causes them to say and do unusual things which are viewed as being signs of mental illness. Victims of this torture are told they are psychotic and need powerful and dangerous psychotropic drugs when they report on this and these drugs generally cause even more problems for the victims. This total dehumanization of innocent people which is often associated with the catastrophic wasting of their careers and lives conveys a picture of the USA as being a brutal Terrorist Psychiatric Police State! MandelNews.com