Saturday, September 22, 2018

"The US psychiatric system targets intelligent activists!"

The US government has had a covert policy for years of aggressively working to attempt to literally destroy the brains of very intelligent and well educated activists whose complaints about corruption and abuses in the American system are valid. The favored intentional misdiagnoses of perfectly sane and law abiding human rights activists in the USA has been the trendy entities of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder as haphazardly popularized in American gossip magazines and the syndicated press. The American feds, cops & psychiatrists with support from their personal judges have been the primary players in moving in to hit dissidents with painful and destructive psychiatric stigmatization, interventions and blacklists. Clearly psychiatry in the USA, just like elsewhere, is all about rigid social control, brutal politics and corrupt big business and has nothing at all to actually do with appropriate mental health care!