Wednesday, September 26, 2018

"The American psychiatric system creates financial nightmares!"

While constantly bickering over their six figure a year contract salaries and incredible benefits and while striving to keep the occupancy rates in their for profit mental hospital concentration camps as high as the Hilton Hotels the criminally insane American psychiatrists nevertheless continue to preach to their victims that money is not important. And the American taxpayers who finance the enormous welfare payments and health insurance payments for these leeches of society generally don't raise any questions about the huge incomes of the psychiatrists who keep insisting they deserve to earn a fortune since they trained so many years. The fact of the matter is their long years of training are just a right of passage to enable them to very profitably implement their tyranny. All along men, women and children who are extremely intellectually and emotionally intelligent, honest, ethical and law abiding people are intentionally pushed into financial nightmares by the psychiatrists who consistently work to undermine the potential of people unfortunate enough to be their patients instead of to nurture their abilities to produce in healthy ways. Family fortunes are tragically wasted as well educated and well credentialed targets of psychiatric tyranny lead wasted lives due to intentional stigmatization by the psychiatrists with support from the US feds, police and judiciary. This is all part of the manufacturing of pained states of existence which mimic mental illness in America!