Friday, September 7, 2018

"The US government has created a terrorist "Torture & Killing Machine" with psychiatrists"!

The US government is a brutal terrorist entity which works with psychiatrists to sadistically torture and kill innocent men, women and children around the clock. The arrogance behind this brutality is filthy and shocking. In the manufacturing process of mental illness good people are targeted for organized public ridicule campaigns and driven out of everything in their lives, including things they excel in. The targets of this tyranny are than told they are clearly mentally ill when things don't work out well in personal, academic and career spheres of their lives due to this torture. Things have gone so far with this inhumane torture that when victims have some money and legally leave the USA the US feds and cops with support from the American psychiatrists continue to hunt them down overseas even when they are not criminals. All of their overseas interests are also sabotaged by the terrorist US government with allegations of mental illness to foreign governments even when there is clearly no mental illness present. In this torture scheme men and women are railroaded into mental hospital concentration camps overseas too for such things as having perfectly legal consensual sexual affairs as the terrorist US government moves to isolate its victims from the world in order to sadistically and maliciously make accusations of intractable mental illness appear true and in order to undermine the credibility of the stories of victims of such American atrocities about having been tortured by their own country. This all goes as far as the syndicated press and Hollywood being told they should not deal with people who are supposedly so disturbed in order to keep their stories from surfacing and to keep attempts to profit from a commercialization of such true stories from meeting with success!