Sunday, May 29, 2016

Generally nice people are being slaughtered by the American psychiatric system!

Chronically criminally insane US feds, cops and psychiatrists have been terrorizing their victims with torture every moment of the day and evening. Generally men, women and children who are simply nice people who also happen to be very intelligent, creative and emotionally warm people are targeted for this torture as a reflection of the fact that the perpetrators are barbarians. Once someone is tagged to be slaughtered by these animals they refuse to stop even if it takes decades to kill their victims with abuses. There are therefore rarely any reports of abuse and requests for criminal investigations and prosecutions of the responsible psychiatrists, feds and cops accepted since the entire American psychiatric system is built around a paradigm of legalized brutal abuses. Pathetic excuses for judges who are socially friendly with the psychiatrists, feds and cops preside over the swift, fixed kangaroo civil court proceedings which are used to legalize this tyranny. Only rarely there are token criminal investigations and prosecutions by outside investigators when things go too far with the trash American psychiatrists being caught in the act of raping their victims or murdering them in cold blood.