Thursday, May 19, 2016

Psychiatry is being used as a brutal weapon by the US government and wealthy elitists to cripple and kill poor men, women, and children for huge profits

 Psychiatry actually has nothing at all to do with mental health care. It is a brutal weapon which is being used to keep poor people out of the way of the US government and wealthy elitists across the USA who believe they have a divine destiny to control the USA and the world in their images only. Medical students, doctors, and others who refuse to support the destructive nature of psychiatry for social control are themselves vulnerable to being sacrificed into the psychiatric system. The poor people and others who are brainwashed or forced into seeing psychiatrists are painfully crippled and murdered with the stigmatization associated with the mythical psychiatric diagnoses, the poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs, beatings in the mental hospital concentration camps, intense electronic stalking and badgering, and cruel and life threatening blacklists. The victims of psychiatry therefore generally live out their lives with the horrible pain of enforced and newly created poverty which the psychiatrists, US government, and wealthy elitists across the USA enforce.