Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The US feds, cops, psychiatrists and their personal judges are pathetic sociopaths who create and enforce states of being which mimic mental illness in the targets of their sadistic tyranny

The US feds, cops, psychiatrists and their personal judges are very heavily invested in creating states of being which mimic mental illness in human rights activists, poor people, children and others whose lives they decide to waste to feed the lucrative "American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture and Death." Intense satellite drone electronic warfare, badgering, damaging psychiatric labels which have no biological markers and which are based on subjective ignorance and bigotries, poisonous psychiatric drugs which cripple and kill people, mental hospital concentration camps, enforced stigmatization and deadly academic and career blacklists associated with swift, fixed kangaroo civil court proceedings which are used to legalize this tyranny in what is therefore a criminal terrorist society are all part of the arsenal of madness used by these tragically pathetic sociopaths to create and enforce states of being which mimic mental illness.