Wednesday, May 18, 2016

New York State's psychiatric system is as tragically abusive as anyplace else

It's a misconception that the attitudes and policies in New York State are more enlightened than elsewhere across the USA. The psychiatrists in New York State are as ignorant and abusive as psychiatrists elsewhere. The medical schools in New York State regularly blacklist the vital financial interests of victims of psychiatry just like elsewhere. The New York courts work with the psychiatrists and New York cops to fix cases against victims of psychiatry just like anywhere else. Victims of psychiatry who are capable and qualified to earn over $100,000 a year are struggling in created and enforced poverty in New York State just like anywhere else. The state lawmakers right up to the Governor's office never take any action against these abuses just like the courts in New York State. Children of psychiatric victims who are qualified to go to Harvard or Yale are starving in the streets of New York State just like anywhere else! The situation in New York City is just as horrible for victims of psychiatry as anywhere else across New York State and across the entire United States. And so New York State is simply another Psychiatric Genocide Center in the United States! And the terrorist US federal government endorses these deadly abuses 24/7!