Monday, May 23, 2016

US government endorsed American psychiatry really is a junk science

Everything the US government endorsed American psychiatrists do creates unusual degrees of pain and suffering for men, women and children for huge profits. They claim the targets of their tyranny have brain defects which they do not have which are responsible for mental illnesses which they do not suffer from. This explanation of American psychiatry's version of mental illness is being used to cover-up for the tens of millions of people who have been given brain damage from the poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs which the American psychiatrists prescribe like candy. There are no biological markers for the myriad of mythical diagnoses of the diabolically insane American psychiatrists and there are no credible medical tests to back up the initial assumptions of structural defects in the brain at the time of the diagnoses. The mental hospitals across the USA are actually concentration camps which have no diagnostic or therapeutic value. The American psychiatrists never give up destroying the victims of their tyranny who are confronted with blacklists based on completely false statements by the psychiatrists they can't take on challenging work if they survive all of this. Actually the one thing the victims of psychiatry need the most if they survive the assaults of psychiatry is money and the income which jobs for which they are qualified and capable of doing brings them. Because of the trash discipline of psychiatry most of the victims of psychiatry end of out of work or underemployed and dead in the streets from created and enforced poverty. The Citizens Commission on Human Rights has been right to refer to psychiatry as a junk science.