Saturday, May 21, 2016

The USA has become the most arrogant, ignorant and dangerous Psychiatric Terrorist Police State in world history!

It has become pathetically clear that the primary criteria for being chosen as US feds, cops, psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses and psychiatric court judges is to be ignorant, arrogant, abusive, sadistic, and murderers. Together with the nation's clearly criminally insane lawmakers these barbarians have a focus 24/7 on creating illness and stealing lives of decent and law abiding men, women and children. Their favorite weapons of destruction are intense electronic warfare, the poisonous arsenal of psychiatric drugs and the mental hospital concentration camps. Fraudulent psychiatric labels are used to intentionally stigmatize the targets of this treachery. The victims of The American Psychiatric Industry of Enslavement, Torture and Death are ultimately targeted to be crippled, driven into life threatening poverty via blacklists, beaten, raped, and murdered. Essentially with this tyrannical system the USA has turned all concepts of right versus wrong inside out.