Wednesday, October 6, 2010

American Psychiatrists and Psychologists Support and Oppressive Legal System

The American psychiatrists and psychologists are a disgrace for insisting on the legal right to drag their victims into swift civil mental health care court proceedings and yet refusing to accept the stressors of a legal adversarial system as set up by the American lawyers. Only in an adversarial legal system can you hope to have the promise of envisioning justice as two sides of a legal issue fight over their differences in court therefore motivating lawyers to come up with all possible arguments on their clients behalf if they wish to be respected by the legal community and the public. And so the psychiatrists and psychologists are abusing the legal system by pushing swift civil decisions through the courts with no sworn in testimony and no juries as all they stick together across the United States on each case instead of debating the issues on each side of each case. This is how important cases are pushed through the courts against political dissidents in Communist China on a daily basis. And so the American psychiatrists and psychologists actually support the same type of oppressive legal system as is supported by Communist China.