Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Psychiatry is at the Heart of Making the USA a Complete Fraud!

Any nation which allows judges to take away the legal rights of people is a fraud. And daily across the USA county judges working with psychiatrists, psychologists, and other doctors take away people’s legal rights to make their own decisions in swift civil court hearings with no juries and no sworn in testimony. This action is based on psychiatric testimony dealing with allegations of mental illness which have no valid scientific credbility. There are no biological markers for any of the psychiatric diagnoses. And yet by allowing these swift civil court proceedings to take place the lawmakers are saying to us that both psychiatry and the American civil court proceedings are infallible, which is pure nonesense! And so more often than not perfectly sane and law abiding people with a high degree of emotional intelligence find that the US Constitution which they may have been impressed with in their American history studies has absolutely no meaning for them due to malicious moves by the psychiatrists to feed off of their one life in this world. And in view of the fact that this can actually happen to any citizen of the USA at any moment, including not just the very poor but also the very wealthy, as we often see in cases in Hollywood, the entire United States is a fraud which preserves Constitutional rights for the exclusively well connected in legal and political circles only! And so the US Constitution was therefore clearly written by a group of elitists in order to preserve their own legal rights only with this tradition being carried over in this era. The like-minded diabolically insane psychiatrists picked this up a long time ago and set up their kangaroo civil court system in order to feed off of this flaw in the American system. A question which may of course arise is what if a person really is sick for a period of time in manners which dulls their judgement, and such illnesses could come from being overtired, jet lag, social drinking, prescribed medications, heat exhaustion, hypothermia on a cold day, infectious diseases, surgical emergencies, etc… Well it appears to me that it is precisely when someone may actually be sick and vulnerable to being abused that their legal rights must be protected. And having been trained as a physician myself and knowing full well how cruel many doctors can be, particularly psychiatrists, I want to know why any competent judge in America would trust anyone’s welfare with doctors, let alone psychiatrists, of all people!