Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Poor Being Murdered By Psychiatry Across The U.S.A.

The United States Is Using Intentional Psychiatric Stigmatization To Enslave, Torture, and Murder Poor People

There has been a literal genocide of poor people of all races and religions across the United States for decades. And one of the most potent weapons of mass destruction for "America’s Final Solution" in dealing with poverty has been the psychiatric weapon. At the very moment that President Barak Obama was accepting the Nobel Prize for Peace his own country was as usual involved in an all out silent war against the economically disadvantaged in the nation. The arrogant elitists in control of the nation for decades have been instructing the FBI and police to badger and lock up poor people in the nations mental health care concentration camps. The FBI and police across the United States by instinct respect the old line establishment wealth and power in the country more than anything else and it is those with this extreme wealth only whom they actually work for. High academic accomplishments, good will towards others, high ethical qualities, intense degrees of emotional intelligence, a committment to community service and to mankind mean nothing at all to the power structure across the United States unless big, big money is behind these people. And so even the most accomplished high school students, college graduates, and professional school graduates in the nation have absolutely no chance of getting ahead if they are simply poor and therefore not well connected in the nation. One avenue of approach to try to beat a sentence of poverty in the nation has been for poor teenagers to offer to sacrifice their lives in the nations at times highly unpopular overseas wars, feeling of course that if they survive they will be welcomed into high society in America upon return home. This too is generally not true with there now also being scores of bitter unemployed and even homeless veterans across the USA too. The wealthy establishment across the USA which appears chronically paranoid about allowing newcomers to obtain wealth and therefore also power in the nation consistently labels the poor across the nation with devastating psychiatric misdiagnoses such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder in order to get them out of the way. And the corrupt and brutal mental health care system which is also owned and controlled by the same filthy elements across the nation is made up primarily of psychiatrists and psychologists who have been carefully selected for their positions by the same abusive interests across the country. And in the tragically horrible mental health care system which has evolved in such manners across the USA there is no actual interest in helping poor people prevent mental illness, achieve mental health and move on and produce in life. The lives of poor people are simply intentionally tragically thrown into the No Exit abyss of hell of the nations mental health care system with proper Natural Mental Health Care interventions to prevent and cure mental illness intentionally ignored by the establishment for the poor across the nation. Clearly President Barak Obama would say he is not responsible for such deplorable conditions in the nations mental health care system or simply deny this is the way things really are across the United States. Well, this is the way things really have been for decades in dealing with psychiatry and psychology across the United States and when things are this out of control "The Buck Really Does Stop At The Top". And so President Barak Obama has a lot of explaining to do to the scores of victims of mental health care tyranny across the United States if he really wants to gain respect across all sectors of the nation for his Nobel Peace Prize.