Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Diabolically Insane Psychiatrists Protected From Lawsuits After Abusive Interventions

Given the fact that electroshock treatment causes brain damage, memory loss, and other serious cognitive impairment, electroshock serves to cover up and impede any potential malpractice or personal injury litigation. It generally takes years for an electroshock survivor to recover enough to figure out what has happened to them, and most states have a statute of limitations, which is usually one or two years, on medical malpractice and personal injury suits. Therefore, electroshock survivors are effectively prevented from pursuing litigation against those who harmed them, making electroshock psychiatrists virtually malpractice-proof. The same situation exists with the prescribing of neuroleptics, lithium and other psychiatric drugs. These drugs are all highly toxic poisons which mimic the mental illnesses they are supposed to be treating and worse. The side effects profiles from these drugs are often as serious as those from electroshock treatments with recovery times being as long if recovery occurs. And the same problem for targets of psychiatric tyranny exists for people thrown into the mental hospital concentration camps. Even before the druggings begin and in the absence of electroshock treatments the shock of being literally beaten up, placed in isolation, and often sexually assaulted causes such serious emotional problems for the victims of this tyranny that it generally takes years and years to fully recover from the abuses alone if recovery occurs. And by than it is as usual too late to sue the diabolically insane psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses and other mental hospital staff members who have abused them.