Wednesday, October 6, 2010

USA Has Created A Brutally Abusive Mental Health System

The American cops and federal agents are barbarians who have been having people who were falsely arrested thrown into mental hospitals, with fixed civil mental health court proceedings arranged against them, in order to avoid brutality charges and to avoid losing their jobs. And the criminally insane American psychiatrists, whom the US feds and cops work with, have people who complain about them thrown into jails with false charges and insist they have criminal tendencies and must be in the hands of psychiatrists and on their poisonous psychiatric drugs and/or in their mental hospital concentration camps in order to stay out of jail. And all along the victims of this tyranny are generally far more law abiding, ethical, sensitive, emotionally stable, and intelligent people than the American federal agents, cops, and psychiatrists. This has resulted in the evolution of the most corrupt and abusive medical-legal mental health care system in world history which is driven by sadism, incompetence, and the profit motive with an arrogant disregard for the intentional pain and suffering the victims of this tyranny must endure. Overall we are therefore seeing the US Department of Justice people actually have little interest in law and order while the American psychiatrists have absolutely no interest at all in proper mental health care. And so the United States has become one of the most barbaric and lawless nations in world history because of the US Department of Justice and the American psychiatrists.