Friday, October 22, 2010

Arrogance of American Psychiatrists At All Time Highs

A corrupt system has helped these quacks of the professional community join the highest income brackets across the USA and this has resulted in the American psychiatrists becoming more arrogant than ever before. As if things were not bad enough with their unscientific and catastrophic misdiagnoses of mental illnesses for entities which have no biological markers, now the American psychiatrists also feel they have a divine right to deal with the common folks across the nation as if they are in some manners subhuman. The American psychiatrists have been consistently manifesting unsusually abrasive behavior in dealing with the public which ranges from simply ignoring the interests and ideas of people who have significant ideas about how to improve mental health care to actual threats to have their critics locked up and drugged up in their mental hospital concentration camps. People who have made the horrible mistake of trusting psychiatrists to help them with their mental health, which sometimes includes other doctors, and people forced into the hands of these tyrants with swift, fixed civil court orders aimed at destroying, not helping, with their mental health, careers, and lives, are sadly to find one step at a time that they will have to fight hard to be recognized as human beings again when the psychiatrists and courts get done brutally dehumanizing them in the most filthy, corrupt and brutal mental health care system in the world.