Sunday, October 17, 2010

Rapes By Psychiatrists At All Time Highs Across USA

The cries for help are louder than ever from the mental hospital concentration camps across the USA. Late at night patients are often finding themselves being shot up with highly toxic psychiatric drugs which immobilize them as they are beaten up, strait jacketed and terrorized with heterosexual and homosexual rapes. The psychiatric nurses generally help hold the patients down for the psychiatrists and can often be heard giggling as the psychiatrists "get it off" with the patients late in the evenings. Than if the patients file reports that they were raped the psychiatrists insist they are delusional and have them shot up with more painful psychiatric drugs which can cause brain damage. And there have been reports that if patients find telephones and call the FBI for help the response on the phone is laughter with comments like "Are you looking for the boogie boogie men?" before the phone is hung up. And most if not all of these patients were never actually mentally ill to begin with and have simply been beaten and drugged into severe states of delirium by the psychiatrists.