Wednesday, October 6, 2010

U.S.A. Controlled By Sociopaths

The U.S. feds have been sadistically nationalizing brutal psychiatric mental health care human rights abuses across state lines. In fact the U.S. feds have also been internationalizing such brutal abuses across international lines. Never once have these heavily armed hoodlums even considered moving in to bust the scum psychiatrists and other doctors responsible for these abuses. In fact it appears that it is generally the U.S. feds and American police who help to organize the U.S. mental health care killing squads to begin with. The U.S. feds and American police along with the criminally insane American psychiatrists sadistically enjoy creating rallying points for right wing extremism among the public around the filthy lies dealing with the mental health of the victims of this tyranny who are generally perfectly sane activists who are poor or who are driven into poverty. Overall what this means is that the entire U.S.A. is simply a terrorist state which has been under the iron fist control of sociopaths for a long, long time.